Doc. MUDr. Pavlína Černochová, Ph.D.
Doc. MUDr. Pavlína Černochová, Ph.D.
In 1994 graduated in Medicine faculty from Masaryk University Brno. After graduation she continued at II. stomatology clinic in LF MU a FN at st. Anna, first as secondary practitioner, later as specialized assistant and since 2011 as the Associate Professor. In 1998 she has got her postgraduate specialization in Stomatology and in 2001 postgraduate specialization in Orthodontics.
Since the 2003 she is a head of Orthodontic department in Dental clinic of LF MU a FN at st. Anna hospital in Brno. She has successfully finished her Ph. doctoral studies at LF MU in Brno. She has successfully finished her habilitation in medical science in the same faculty in 2011 defending her habilitation thesis: „Poruchy prořezávání horního stálého špičáku”(“Upper permanent canine eruption disorders”).
She is a member of union council in LF MU Brno in Stomatology and a member of Academic senate in LF MU in Brno. She is a member of Czech orthodontic society and European orthodontic society. She has completed her internship at Dental clinic in Gent. She is a successful co-author of several grants, author/ or co-author of more then 150 presentations at several congresses and events in Czech or abroad, First author of 30 (2 in journals in IF) and co-author of 41 (8 in IF) original works, author of monography “Diagnostika retinovaných zubů”(Diagnostics of retained teeth).
She is giving her lectures in Czech republic and abroad and leads many scientific courses. She is a reviewer of Czech and foreign professional publications. In 2006 she was awarded a prize of Prof.Asbjorn Hasund. She has won a price for the best poster at 7-th International Orthodontic Congress in 2010 Sydney, Australia. Concurrently she is a head of her own private Orthodontic office.
Impacted teeth – clinical experiences
Ectopic eruption and tooth impaction is a common orthodontic anomaly. Selection of appropriate and successful treatment depends on a proper and precise evaluation of CBCT examination. This method offers thorough information about morphology, position and pathologic alteration of impacted and adjacent teeth. Significant influence of extraction therapy selection is the presence of extensive roots resorption of adjacent teeth or ankylosis. Pathology of dental follicular sac can be as well as etiology and also complication of a tooth impaction in sporadic cases. In case of failure of a standard treatment sequence there is CBCT examination necessary. Methods of impacted teeth treatment are orthodontic alignment of impacted tooth, extraction, autotransplantation or no treatment.
Lecture will discuss indications, advantages and disadvantages of each treatment methods. Biological factor and long-term stability of impacted and adjacent teeth after treatment are interesting and disputatious issues.
Aim of lecture is to give an overview of this topic by analyzing clinical experience and research evidence of scientific literature.
Presented topic is solved by project support of MUNI/A/1445/2021 and AZV/NU20-06-00189.
Friday, 23.9.2022 – Programme: Doctors
09:30 – 10:30 | Impacted teeth – clinical experiences Part 1 |
Doc. MUDr. Pavlína Černochová, Ph.D. |
11:00 – 12:30 | Impacted teeth – clinical experiences Part 2, discussion |
Doc. MUDr. Pavlína Černochová, Ph.D. |